Elections have consequences! CTLCV strives to help elect environmental champions who will fight climate change, protect our clean air and water, preserve our open spaces, and more.
Every election cycle, CTLCV endorses candidates based on their positions and track record on the environment. By highlighting candidates who care about our values, we can help elect leaders who will make the right choices to protect Connecticut's most valuable resources.
CTLCV also calls out lawmakers who work against our environmental priorities. Those who end up on the Dirty Dozen List have proven they will put industry and polluters ahead of our environment.
CTLCV invested heavily in key races across the state and helped elect a pro-environment majority.
The 2018 elections resulted in a new pro-environment majority in the legislature as well as a governor who committed to clean energy and conservation. CTLCV played a key role in these outcomes through endorsements, canvasses, and targeted independent expenditures in important races.
A lot happened in CT this election cycle. The Connecticut General Assembly was completely shaken up, but even in a time of monumental change 36 of CTLCV's bipartisan slate of 48 endorsed candidates won their races.
We used our Independent Expenditure PAC to target three priority races in the Senate, and to expand our reach to new voters across the state. One third of all candidates running for office sought CTLCV’s endorsement this year. Many used our endorsement at some level, either as part of their campaign literature, news releases, or public statements.
The election information on this site is paid for by CTLCV PAC. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham.