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Concerns Remain over Continued Funding of Fossil FuelsHartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) applauded Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s decision to allocate over $6.2 million in funds from the Volkswagen (VW) legal settlement towards new electric vehicles. This investment will provide Connecticut with twelve electric transit buses across the state and two electric shuttle buses for the University of Connecticut. “Cars, buses, and other vehicles are responsible for the overwhelming majority of air pollution,” said CTLCV Executive Director Lori Brown. “Replacing dirty diesel buses with clean electric vehicles is key to helping us improve air quality, reduce rising asthma rates, and fight climate change.” Unfortunately, some of the VW settlement funds also went to new, so-called “clean” diesel vehicles, including diesel school buses in Hartford, Stratford, Middlebury, Southbury, and Ellington. “There is no such thing as clean diesel. In fact, the myth of this technology is what led to the lawsuit against VW and the award of these funds in the first place,” said Brown. “To invest money meant for clean air projects in diesel vehicles is particularly concerning—especially when it comes to our children’s health. Asthma rates have skyrocketed, and we are only just beginning to see the long-term harm that breathing diesel fumes has caused. We implore Governor-Elect Ned Lamont and the incoming administration to prioritize electric vehicles when it comes to allocating the remaining VW settlement funds.” In 2015, VW admitted to cheating emissions tests and violating the Clean Air Act. A subsequent lawsuit led to a legal settlement that resulted in Connecticut expecting to receive over $51 million for clean air projects. Malloy announced the first ten of these projects last week. The CTLCV Education Fund launched the Clean Buses for Healthy Niños campaign to encourage Connecticut to use the VW settlement to replace dirty diesel school buses with clean electric alternatives. ###
Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) congratulates Speaker Joe Aresimowicz (D-30; Berlin, Southington) on his victory in the 30th State House District. CTLCV endorsed Aresimowicz because he used his leadership position to protect the environment. “Speaker Aresimowicz faced a close race, and we at CTLCV firmly believe his commitment to the environment helped secure his victory,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “We were proud to endorse the Speaker because he always appointed environmental champions to key roles and worked hard to protect the air we breathe, water we drink, and values we share. We shared our endorsement with our members, and made sure they knew it was because of Speaker Aresimowicz that Connecticut doubled its investments in clean energy and cut its carbon emissions in half. His victory today shows voters were listening and they care about his commitment. We look forward to working with the Speaker in the upcoming session.” Aresimowicz was one of 36 candidates CTLCV endorsed in the 2018 elections. Full results of the election can be found on our website. ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) congratulates Maria Horn (D-64; Canaan, Cornwall, Goshen, Kent, Norfolk, North Canaan, Salisbury, Sharon, Torrington) on her victory in the 64th State House District. CTLCV endorsed Horn because of her commitment to protecting our water from pollution, invasive species, and special interests. “Maria’s victory makes it clear that voters are passionate about protecting the water we drink,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “When CTLCV endorsed Maria, we made sure our voters knew how deeply she cares about protecting our rivers, lakes, and groundwater and that she strongly believes water is a public trust. With the State Water Plan due to come before the legislature again, we need advocates like Maria who are committed to standing up to polluters and special interests. We look forward to working with her in the days ahead.” Horn was one of 36 candidates CTLCV endorsed in the 2018 elections. Live updates on the election—including an up-to-the-minute count of CTLCV’s victories--can be found on our website. ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) congratulated Alexandra Bergstein (D-36; Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford) on her victory in the 36th State Senate District. CTLCV endorsed Bergstein because of her tireless efforts behind the scenes to ban toxic tire mulch from public playgrounds and carcinogenic chemicals from children’s clothing. “Alex knows we can’t gamble with our children’s health,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “She’s been a staunch advocate for our kids for years, and we at CTLCV look forward to working with her in the days ahead to protect our public health.” Bergstein was one of 36 candidates CTLCV endorsed in the 2018 elections. Live updates on the election—including an up-to-the-minute count of CTLCV’s victories--can be found on our website. ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) congratulates Sen. Tony Hwang (R-28; Easton, Fairfield, Newtown, Weston, Westport) on his victory in the 28th State Senate District. CTLCV endorsed Hwang because he has been a longtime advocate for the environment and a passionate supporter of land conservation. “CTLCV made sure the voters of the 28th District knew that Sen. Hwang has been a true ally for the environment, and they responded by reelecting him today,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “Sen. Hwang knows the threat climate change poses and that pollution isn’t a partisan issue. He worked hard to slash Connecticut’s emission goals in half and double our investment in clean energy, so CTLCV ensured our members knew he is the leader we need at the Capitol to stand up for our environment. We look forward to continuing our work with Sen. Hwang in the days to follow.” Hwang was one of 36 candidates CTLCV endorsed in the 2018 elections. Live updates on the election—including an up-to-the-minute count of CTLCV’s victories--can be found on our website. ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Last night’s election swept anti-environment lawmakers out and pro-environment lawmakers into power. The Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV)—a bipartisan, statewide nonprofit dedicated to protecting our environment by making it a priority for our lawmakers—invested more than $200,000 in canvasses, digital advertisements, direct mail, email blasts, and other communications to connect with voters and support candidates who pledged their support for their environment. “Thousands of people have turned up to climate marches, rallies, and forums across our state, and they showed up again at the polls,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “We knew going into this election that nearly 73% of voters wanted state lawmakers to invest in clean energy and the thousands of jobs it supports, based on polling by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. We made sure those voters knew which candidates share their goals by knocking on their doors and sending information to their mailboxes and their devices.” The CTLCV Political Action Committee invested heavily in key campaigns across the state where the environment was on the line. Notable victories include:
Of the 36 bipartisan candidates CTLCV endorsed for statewide office, 25 were victorious in their races, and 5 races remain too close to call. “In Connecticut, we have a pro-environment electorate, and we tend to assume our lawmakers share our beliefs—even when that’s not the case,” said Brown. “We endorse very selectively and invest in races where we truly believe we can make a difference. With everything else in the news, the environment can be lost in the shuffle—but it’s not lost in voters’ minds. Given the latest reports from the United Nation on climate change and the pollution we can see in our air and water, it’s clear voters care about addressing these threats and protecting our environment.” More than 100 candidates approached CTLCV for an endorsement, and over 125 signed CTLCV’s Clean Energy for All pledge, which calls on candidates and state lawmakers to commit to moving Connecticut to 100% clean energy by 2050. This strong show of support shows candidates recognize the impact CTLCV can have on our members and voters. “CTLCV is unique among environmental groups in our state because we can invest both time and funds into key races to make sure voters know where the candidates really stand,” said Brown. “From knocking on doors to sending mail to popping up on your phones and computers, we went all out to help voters understand how their candidates could shape the future for our environment and our state.” Examples of CTLCV’s election advertisements and direct mail pieces can be found on our website. ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) congratulates Christine Cohen (D-12; Branford, Durham, Guilford, Killingworth, Madison, North Branford) on her victory in the 12th State Senate District. CTLCV endorsed Cohen for this open seat because of her strong commitment to reducing our reliance on single-use plastics, protecting Long Island Sound, and preserving our precious open space. “Some people talk about sustainability, people like Christine truly practice it,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “She impressed all of us at CTLCV when she talked about transitioning her business away from plastic, and her victory today proves Connecticut’s shoreline community is just as interested in keeping harmful plastics out of the Sound and the ecosystems they support.” In addition to endorsing Cohen, CTLCV invested over $20,000 in digital advertisements and direct mail to highlight her commitment to the environment. “Christine gave truly thoughtful, considerate answers to all of the questions on our Survey on the Environment,” said Brown. “From preserving our open space to investing in clean energy, it’s clear she cares about making sure we protect our environment for generations to come. We know voters on the shoreline are deeply passionate about the air we breathe, water we drink, and preserving Long Island Sound, so we worked hard to make sure they knew Christine shared their values.” CTLCV’s digital ads for Cohen reached more than 660,000 devices, while over 14,000 households received our direct mail pieces. Cohen was one of 36 candidates CTLCV endorsed in the 2018 elections. Live updates on the election—including an up-to-the-minute count of CTLCV’s victories--can be found on our website. ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) congratulates Norm Needleman (D-33; Chester, Clinton, Colchester, Deep River, East Haddam, East Hampton, Essex, Haddam, Lyme, Old Saybrook, Portland, Westbrook) on his victory in the 33rd State Senate District. CTLCV endorsed Needleman based on his commitment to continue Connecticut’s investment in clean energy—creating good jobs while cutting our emissions. “Norm is a thoughtful leader who recognizes the threat climate change poses to our future, and CTLCV worked hard to make sure the people of the 33rd District knew he was the clear choice to protect our environment,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “We knocked on doors, invested in digital advertisements, and sent mail to residents of the district highlighting Norm’s commitment to clean energy, clean air, and clean water.” CTLCV invested more than $20,000 in this race, resulting in digital ads that reached over 780,000 computers, phones, and mobile device and direct mail pieces that were sent to over 14,000 households. “We know the people of the 33rd District care about keeping Long Island Sound clean and energy prices low—so does Norm,” said Brown. “His commitment to our environment stood in sharp contrast to his opponent, who—during her tenure as a State Representative—voted in lockstep with some of the worst anti-environment lawmakers in the state. She voted against giving communities the resources to fight climate change and blocked key environmental protections. CTLCV worked hard to make sure the people of the district knew exactly where their candidates stood on the environment. Norm’s election today shows the people listened, and the environment helped drive them to the polls.” Needleman was one of 36 candidates CTLCV endorsed in the 2018 elections. Live updates on the election—including an up-to-the-minute count of CTLCV’s victories--can be found on our website. ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Win Highlights the Importance of Environment to CT Voters Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) congratulates Ned Lamont (D) on his election as Connecticut’s next governor. CTLCV endorsed Lamont based on his Energy and Environment Plan, which calls for greater investment in climate change and reductions in our carbon emissions. “Climate change is the most pressing issue facing our generation, and Ned’s victory tonight shows voters agree,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “CTLCV invested heavily in this race to make sure voters knew Ned was the only candidate with a plan to create jobs, lower electric rates, and cut carbon emissions through investment in clean energy. We received overwhelmingly positive feedback on these messages, and the results tonight prove voters care about leaders who are committed to our environment.” CTLCV invested more than $20,000 in digital advertisements and videos that reached roughly 1 million phones, computers, and mobile devices in Connecticut. “Voters see what’s happening in Washington. They watched President Trump roll back clean car standards, leave the Paris Climate Agreement, and slash investments in renewable energy in favor of coal and dirty fossil fuels,” said Brown. “They came to climate marches, to our forum on climate change, and to rallies for the environment—and today they cast their votes for the only candidate who showed he shared their concerns: Ned Lamont. We at CTLCV are thrilled to see voters stand up for the environment, and we look forward to working with Governor Lamont and his administration in the days to come.” In addition to Lamont, CTLCV endorsed 35 bipartisan candidates for the General Assembly. Live updates on the election—including an up-to-the-minute count of CTLCV’s victories--can be found on our website. ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) congratulates Matthew Blumenthal (D-147; Darien, Stamford) on his victory in the 147th State House District. CTLCV endorsed Blumenthal based on his commitment to fight climate change and invest in clean energy. “Connecticut spoke loud and clear that we’re serious about cutting emissions and creating jobs in clean energy when they elected Matthew today,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “On the campaign trail, Matthew has been a clear voice for sustainability and continuing Connecticut’s investment in clean energy. We at CTLCV made sure our members knew about his commitment to our environment, and they answered by supporting him at the polls today. We look forward to working with him in the days to come.” Blumenthal was one of 36 candidates CTLCV endorsed in the 2018 elections. Live updates on the election—including an up-to-the-minute count of CTLCV’s victories--can be found on our website. ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( |
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