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Media Contact Amanda Schoen [email protected] | 860-770-9487 Lori Brown [email protected] | 860-236-5442 Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) denounced Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Stefanowski for his lack of knowledge on climate change and his failure to present any plan for addressing its impacts. “Climate change is a massive threat, and scientists have now said it could cause Long Island Sound to rise twenty inches by 2050 if we don’t act now, but Bob Stefanowski dismissed it as a federal problem,” said Lori Brown, Executive Director of CTLCV. “We know too well Trump and his cronies aren’t interested in taking on climate change. They won’t even admit climate change is real. If that’s the example Bob Stefanowski wants to follow, it will cripple Connecticut and our country.” Earlier in October, the United Nations issued a report saying the global temperature was increasing at a faster rate than earlier assumed, and drastic action is needed in the next decade to prevent catastrophic rising sea levels, stronger and longer hurricane seasons, global upheaval in agriculture and farming, and other severe consequences. “CTLCV endorsed Ned Lamont for governor because he has a plan to fight climate change,” said Brown. “Ned signed our pledge to move Connecticut to 100% clean energy by 2050, creating jobs and dramatically cutting our emissions. He knows we can’t rely on Trump to steer this ship, we have to protect Connecticut ourselves.” Lamont is the only candidate with a comprehensive energy and environment plan. Stefanowski has no energy plan, and at a forum at Emmanuel Synagogue, said he “doesn’t understand the science of [climate change]” and defers to the federal government. ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Ziobron Is Not the Environmental Champion She Claims to BeHartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) countered a deceptive political mailing released by Melissa Ziobron (R-33). The mailing claims Ziobron will protect Connecticut’s clean water and natural resources, but her votes in this last legislative session show otherwise. “As a State Representative, Melissa Ziobron rejected environmental priorities and showed she’s not interested in fighting climate change or investing in clean energy,” said Lori Brown, Executive Director of CTLCV. “She undermined our ability to combat rising sea levels and voted against allowing climate change to be taught in schools. Rep. Ziobron proved she is far from the environmental champion she once promised to be. Instead, she voted more in-line with the State Senators who were named to our Dirty Dozen in the States list: Craig Miner and Len Suzio.” In 2018, Ziobron took pro-environmental votes just 62% of the time according to CTLCV’s 2018 Environmental Scorecard. She voted against:
Though Ziobron earned CTLCV’s praise in 2017 for her work on the Passport to the Parks, her votes overall on important environmental issues that year were rock-bottom at 37%. And in this last session her score of 62% proves she is no friend to the environment or anyone concerned about the impact of climate change here in Connecticut. CTLCV has strongly endorsed Ziobron’s opponent, Norm Needleman (D-33), for the open Senate seat. “As First Selectman of Essex, Norm understands the importance of making sure our towns and municipalities can prepare for rising sea levels and the other impacts of climate change,” said Brown. “He knows investing in clean energy will create jobs, bring down costs for ratepayers and homeowners, and help us cut emissions. We need leaders who will stand up to big polluters and special interests. Norm has shown he will be that leader, while Rep. Ziobron caved to special interests every time.” ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Media Contacts Amanda Schoen [email protected] | 860-770-9487 Lori Brown [email protected] | 860-236-5442 Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV)—a bipartisan, statewide, non-profit organization dedicated to protecting Connecticut's environment by making it a priority for our elected leaders—endorsed Democratic candidate Ned Lamont for Governor. Lamont is the only candidate who has released a comprehensive environment and clean energy plan, and he has consistently prioritized clean air and water, renewable energy, and protecting public health in his campaign. He is also the only gubernatorial candidate who has signed CTLCV’s “Clean Energy for All” pledge to move Connecticut towards 100% clean energy by 2050 or sooner. “Ned knows investing in clean energy will help us fight climate change and grow jobs in a field already 34,000 strong in Connecticut,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “We’ve made incredible progress towards cutting our emissions and funding solar, offshore wind, and other renewable energy projects. Just this year, we doubled our clean energy investments and cut our emissions in half. But that can all be undone with the wrong leaders at the top. Ned’s shown he is committed to building a brighter future for all of us in Connecticut.” “Climate change is the most critical issue of our generation, and Ned knows we need to act now to avoid catastrophe,” said David Bingham, Co-Chair of the CTLCV Board of Directors. “While his opponent said climate change is a federal problem, Ned knows it’s everyone’s problem, and we can’t afford to kick the can down the road.” When asked about climate change in a recent debate in West Hartford, Republican candidate Bob Stefanowski claimed addressing climate change was better left to the federal government. However, the Trump Administration pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accords, weakened clean car standards, and gutted the clean power plan. “We can’t rely on Washington to keep our air and water clean or invest in renewable energy,” said Mary Hogue, Co-Chair of the CTLCV Board of Directors. “We need leaders like Ned Lamont to protect us from big polluters. Too many companies put profits above people or the environment. Ned is committed to balancing economic development with the preservation of our precious resources.” Lamont also sent CTLCV a personal statement emphasizing his commitment to our environment. In addition to Lamont, CTLCV has endorsed 35 bipartisan candidates for the Connecticut General Assembly. Each of these candidates has pledged to champion CTLCV’s key priorities and protect the air we breathe, water we drink, and lands we cherish. ###
This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) named Rep. Jonathan Steinberg (D-136) a “Clean Energy Champion” thanks to his leadership on increasing Connecticut’s investment in renewable energy sources. CTLCV previously endorsed Steinberg thanks to his commitment to key environmental priorities. Earlier this week, the United Nations issued an alarming report urging the need for action on climate change within the next decade. Here in Connecticut, Steinberg is at the forefront of clean energy policy to reduce our carbon footprint while growing our economy. “Rep. Steinberg knows that clean energy brings jobs to Connecticut, lowers electric rates for homeowners and small businesses, and helps us win the fight to reverse climate change,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “He worked hard to make sure Connecticut doubled its investment in renewable energy, and was one of the first lawmakers to sign our Clean Energy for All pledge, putting Connecticut on the path to 100% clean energy by 2050. With so much at stake in this election, we at CTLCV are doing everything we can to champion lawmakers who put our environment—and our future—first.”
“Rep. Steinberg has been—and continues to be—one of the League’s primary partners in advocating for sensible, effective legislation protecting our state’s environment,” said Ken Bernhard, CTLCV Board Member and former State Representative. “With good reason, the Board voted unanimously to endorse his re-election. We hope his constituents will send him back to Hartford.” ### This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc., LCV, Inc., and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) endorsed Hugh McKenney (D-37) for the Connecticut General Assembly. McKenney is challenging incumbent Rep. Holly Cheeseman to represent the 37th House District. As a Selectman and former member of the Salem Planning and Zoning Commission, McKenney knows how critical land conservation is to improving property values and quality of life. He fully supports water as a public trust and ensuring people have a say in how this crucial resource is managed. His commitment to the air we breathe and water we drink is in sharp contrast to his opponent, who holds a failing 53% on environmental issues according to CTLCV’s Environmental Scorecard.
“Hugh knows firsthand that preserving our parks, trails, farms, and open space is key to attracting residents to our towns and keeping them here for years to come,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “He understands land conservation is good for both our environment and our economy, and he isn’t beholden to special interests or the utilities. When it comes to water, Hugh will fight for the public’s right to have a say in how our streams, rivers, and other resources are managed. We need leaders like Hugh so we can pass our State Water Plan and reaffirm water as a public trust.” To receive CTLCV’s endorsement, candidates must have completed the Survey on the Environment earlier this summer. All candidates running for legislative office were invited to complete the questionnaire, and CTLCV received nearly 120 responses. Endorsements are issued based on a candidate’s responses as well as additional information provided to CTLCV’s Endorsement Committee. A full list of CTLCV’s endorsements can be found on our website. ### This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) endorsed Sen. Marilyn Moore (D-22) for the Connecticut General Assembly. Moore served as Co-Chair of the Environment Committee from 2015 – 2016, and remains a steadfast advocate for conservation and sustainability. She is committed to reducing Connecticut’s reliance on harmful single-use plastic bags, and has long been a champion for public health—especially for our children. On the Children’s Committee, she fought hard to ban dangerous chemicals, and CTLCV looks forward to continuing our work with her to combat toxic crumb rubber in playgrounds and carcinogenic flame retardants in children’s clothing.
“Sen. Moore knows our children’s health is too precious to gamble with,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “When it comes to keeping toxics out of our children’s playgrounds and clothes, CTLCV has no finer ally than Sen. Moore. She is also devoted to protecting the water we drink and the air we breathe, and we look forward to continuing our work alongside her in the next legislative session.” To receive CTLCV’s endorsement, candidates must have completed the Survey on the Environment earlier this summer. All candidates running for legislative office were invited to complete the questionnaire, and CTLCV received nearly 120 responses. Endorsements are issued based on a candidate’s responses as well as additional information provided to CTLCV’s Endorsement Committee. A full list of CTLCV’s endorsements can be found on our website. ### This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) released its fourth round of endorsements for the Connecticut General Assembly. All candidates for legislative office were invited to complete CTLCV’s Survey on the Environment earlier this summer. Nearly 120 candidates responded, and CTLCV’s Endorsement Committee has reviewed their answers and begun interviewing those who identified the environment as one of their top priorities. Today’s endorsements represent the fourth of several rounds. Candidates receiving CTLCV’s endorsements are:
“Connecticut deserves lawmakers who will fight for renewable energy, clean air and water, and open space,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “The candidates we endorsed today have made a real commitment to the environment. They have both signed our Clean Energy for All pledge to move Connecticut to 100% renewable energy, and each has demonstrated in the legislature or on the campaign trail that the environment is more than just a talking point, it’s a priority.” These endorsements represent the fourth round in an ongoing endorsement process. A full list of CTLCV’s endorsements can be found on our website. ABOUT THE CANDIDATES Marilyn Moore (D-22) served as Co-Chair of the Environment Committee from 2015 – 2016, and remains a steadfast advocate for conservation and sustainability. She remains committed to reducing Connecticut’s reliance on harmful single-use plastic bags, and has long been a champion for public health. She has fought against dangerous toxics in her current role on the Children’s Committee, and CTLCV looks forward to continuing our work with her to combat toxic crumb rubber in playgrounds and carcinogenic flame retardants in children’s clothing. Hugh McKenney (D-37) is challenging incumbent Rep. Holly Cheeseman to represent the 37th House District. As a Selectman and former member of the Salem Planning and Zoning Commission, McKenney knows how critical land conservation is to improving property values and quality of life. He fully supports water as a public trust and ensuring people have a say in how this crucial resource is managed. His commitment to the air we breathe and water we drink is in sharp contrast to his opponent, who holds a failing 53% on environmental issues according to CTLCV’s Environmental Scorecard. ### This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) PAC announced that State Senator Len Suzio (R-13) has been named to the “Dirty Dozen in the States.” The national list of anti-environmental candidates contains some of the worst offenders in the nation when it comes to undermining protections for clean water, carbon emissions, public health, and more.
“State Senator Suzio actively undermined children’s health,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “He lobbied hard against bans to toxic tire mulch in school playgrounds and carcinogenic flame retardants in children’s clothes. Yet now he’s trying to portray himself as an environmentalist. No one wants to put their child at risk, so it’s shameful that Senator Suzio voted repeatedly to put all our kids in harm’s way.” Suzio’s campaign website implies that he supports Connecticut’s environment, even listing his 100 percent score on the CTLCV Environmental Scorecard in 2011. But Suzio’s voting record sunk to a failing 46 percent in 2018—the lowest score of any state senator. Defeating Suzio could flip the chamber to a pro-environment majority. “Candidates who make Dirty Dozen in the States have a long record of siding with polluters over public health, and Senator Suzio is no exception,” said Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund Senior Vice President for Campaigns. “Worse, Suzio has attempted to fool Connecticut voters into thinking he’s an environmentalist—despite opposing efforts to help communities prepare for sea level rise and cut carbon emissions.” CTLCV endorsed Suzio’s opponent—Mary Daugherty Abrams—to represent Connecticut’s 13th Senate District. Abrams is a former educator and devoted mother who understands the importance of protecting our children’s health. CTLCV PAC is also spending approximately $21,000 in print and digital advertising campaign to inform voters of the threat Suzio poses to our environment and public health. This campaign represents one part of CTLCV PAC’s $200,000 investment in statewide elections. Modeled after LCV Victory Fund’s federal “Dirty Dozen,” the state version highlights 12 of the most anti-environment state-level candidates from around the country who state LCVs are working to defeat for the 2018 election cycle. Members of the "Dirty Dozen in the States" have consistently sided against the environment and — regardless of party affiliation — are running in races in which an LCV state affiliate has a serious chance to affect the outcome. ### This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc., LCV, Inc., and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) endorsed Rep. Cristin McCarthy Vahey (D-133) for the Connecticut General Assembly. McCarthy Vahey has been a champion for clean energy and pollution reduction. She has led the effort to develop a responsible carbon pricing initiative in Connecticut and across the region, and has been a forceful advocate for solutions to end our reliance on harmful single-use plastic bags.
“Rep. McCarthy Vahey knows that polluters shouldn’t be able to poison our air and force the rest of us to pay for their mess,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “She has been a staunch advocate for sensible carbon pricing to hold polluters accountable for the damage they cause. We need more leaders like Rep. McCarthy Vahey who stand up for the people against special interests.” To receive CTLCV’s endorsement, candidates must have completed the Survey on the Environment earlier this summer. All candidates running for legislative office were invited to complete the questionnaire, and CTLCV received over 100 responses. Endorsements are issued based on a candidate’s responses as well as additional information provided to CTLCV’s Endorsement Committee. This endorsement is part of the third round of CTLCV's ongoing endorsement process. A full list of CTLCV’s endorsements can be found on our website. ### This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( Hartford, CT – Today, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) endorsed Rep. Josh Elliot (D-88) for the Connecticut General Assembly. Elliott is a first-term legislator who quickly established himself as a leader in clean energy. He was quick to sign CTLCV’s Clean Energy for All pledge, which calls on lawmakers to move Connecticut to 100% clean energy by 2050 or sooner, and was a welcome ally at numerous climate change and renewable energy events.
“Rep. Elliott knows that clean energy is key to both fighting climate change and creating jobs here in Connecticut,” said Lori Brown, CTLCV Executive Director. “Clean energy already supports 38,000 jobs in our state, and those numbers will only grow now that we have doubled our investment in renewables. We need more leaders like Rep. Elliott who understand the potential of clean energy to revitalize our economy and help us build a brighter future for Connecticut.” To receive CTLCV’s endorsement, candidates must have completed the Survey on the Environment earlier this summer. All candidates running for legislative office were invited to complete the questionnaire, and CTLCV received over 100 responses. Endorsements are issued based on a candidate’s responses as well as additional information provided to CTLCV’s Endorsement Committee. This endorsement is part of the third round of CTLCV's ongoing endorsement process. A full list of CTLCV’s endorsements can be found on our website. ### This information is paid for by the CTLCV Political Action Committee. This message was made independent of any candidate or political party. Contributions to the CTLCV PAC of $5,000 or more were made by CTLCV, Inc.; LCV, Inc.; and David Bingham. Additional information about the CTLCV PAC may be found on the State Elections Enforcement Commission's website ( |
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